Sunday 24 January 2021

Not True...

 ... or is it?

Life isn't always fair.


  1. Imagine the joy her partner will feel when she explains her unwanted modifications. What a delicious situation to get yourself into!

    1. He'll have to act all supportive, yet will have to carefully make her see the positive sides. The joy her mouth can givve now...

  2. There was no proof but judge Loomis was well expierenced enough to solve even the most difficult cases. He believed the girl that she never would´ve accepted those lips in combination with that neighbour girl´s body. So he concivted the clinic to give the girl a matching look from head to toe within the next three months.

    It would been easier and cheaper to turn back the girl´s lip surgery but to make an example of her she got huge balloon tits and her achilles tendons for the wearing of 6inch heels minimum. The clinic even paid for the parlor girl who helped with some platinum blonde hair dye, a tattooed-on whore make-up and some lewd writings on the girl´s body.

    Judge Loomis was happy, now the eye-catcher wasn´t the lips only but the whole girl.
